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Post by Vegeta »

Walmart is actually pretty great. Too bad it's wasted on Walmart shoppers.
enraged Walmart shopper

Re: Walmart

Post by enraged Walmart shopper »

Walmart sucks a fat dick. Their stores are garbage and in constant disarray, and their prices aren't nearly as competitive as they used to be. But you can buy a crossbow and a sack of potatoes there at the same time. Not many stores you can do that.
enraged Walmart shopper

Re: Walmart

Post by enraged Walmart shopper »

Oh and there was watermelons out front today. They make good crossbow targets.
lazy RWC

Re: Walmart

Post by lazy RWC »

I missed they days when you used to be able to go into walmart or the grocery store at 3am completely fucking hammered just to pick up some donuts and ice cream, and some frozen burritos. Those days are long gone. Since covid every fucking place around here closes at 10 or 11 without exception.
lazy RWC

Re: Walmart

Post by lazy RWC »

I remember one day about ten years ago I was in a grocery store that has changed names about three times since at around 3am and there were these two high school bitches in front of me buying doritos, cherry tomatoes, and tampons. I thought that was kinda an odd combo. Priorities I guess.
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Re: Walmart

Post by Vegeta »

Remember when Walmart made their store aisles wider so fat people couldn't block them, then Walmart shoppers got fatter and started standing side by side with their cart?
lazy RWC

Re: Walmart

Post by lazy RWC »

I don't believe that Walmart or any other place has consumer convenience in mind these days. You have to check out your own shit for fucks sake.
lazy RWC customer

Re: Walmart

Post by lazy RWC customer »

Walmart is a complete fucking shitnigger like almost every place now. You can't even navigate the aisles because there's so many pallets of bullshit laying around.
lazy RWC consumer

Re: Walmart

Post by lazy RWC consumer »

I walked by this poor old niggA who was stocking shelves a few months ago and I just about passed out from the smell.. And I'm used to some pretty rank smelling shit.
RWC stinky man

Re: Walmart

Post by RWC stinky man »

I nearly fucking fell over.. I'm not even joking. I think he was stocking light bulbs or Chinese tools or some bullshit.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Nov 13, 2023 1:37 am.
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