I guess it's over, folks. You heard our commander and chief.

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I guess it's over, folks. You heard our commander and chief.

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Statement from President Donald J. Trump
January 30, 2024

Today, I have signed an executive order to officially ban the website known as NewSucks500.com, a very bad website, a terrible website, one that many people—smart people—have said is full of the worst kinds of things. We don’t like that. We don’t want that in our country. And frankly, it’s something that should have been done a long time ago, but of course, like always, I’m the one who has to clean up the mess.

Now, some people will say, "Oh, but what about free speech?" Listen, I love free speech—nobody loves free speech more than me. But this website, folks, it’s not about free speech. It’s about hate. It’s about racism. Very bad things. I’m hearing they’re saying things that are completely unacceptable—nasty, just nasty things that no good, hard-working American would ever say. And we can’t have that. So we’re shutting it down, and frankly, a lot of people are saying it’s the right move. They’re thanking me.

To be honest, I don’t know much about this website, never heard of it before, but the people—my people, the best people—have told me it’s no good. So we’re doing this for America. We want a country where people can go online and feel safe, where they don’t have to deal with these lowlifes, these total disasters who sit in their basements and type the worst things imaginable. Some very bad people on there, from what I hear. And let’s be honest, the people who are upset about this? Not the best people, folks. Not the kind of people who are making America great again, I’ll tell you that.

At the end of the day, we’re protecting the American people, which is what I’ve always done, better than anyone. Other presidents, they didn’t do anything about this, they let it happen. But under Trump, we’re taking action. We’re making the internet great again, we’re making America great again, and we’re making sure that these horrible, horrible websites don’t get to spread their filth any longer. A big win, folks. A big win for America.

Re: I guess it's over, folks. You heard our commander and chief.

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Commander In Queef
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